Gateshead Music Trust

Charity number: 1118385

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Donate to Gateshead Music Trust

And help us to support music for children and young people in Gateshead.

We know the power of music to improve people’s lives and we want all children and young people across Gateshead to have the opportunity to make and experience high quality music provision. Gateshead Music Trust was set up as a charity to support the work of the Music Hub and to ensure the provision is accessible and inclusive. Your generosity and support will enable us to continue providing life-changing musical programmes and events for children and young people. 

If you would like to donate or sponsor our activity please contact:

Donate with JustGiving.Pay with Mastercard, Visa, American Express, PayPal, Bank Transfer, Apple Pay or Direct Debit.

Over 600 children singing in Sage Gateshead.

Over 4000 children experiencing a live music concert each year.

1-1 Music Support for children with additional needs.

Free weekly ensembles and music groups.

Over 170 regular music lessons each week.